Fabi Corporation Pvt Ltd

FABi Corporation specializes in next generation business development solutions, focusing on Architectural Services, Consultancy Services, Human Resource, Renewable Energies, Ginning Pressing and Information Technology. FABi is group of young, vibrant, creative and active minds. We are passionate in doing satisfactory & productive work by providing fast, reliable and accurate solutions. Caring is good, sharing even better. We’re keen to listen and learn from others, so we’re all constantly raising our game. We’re always up for challenging the status quo. Our Company is all about your business special needs. At FABi Corporation we ensure first of all that we understand what it is that makes our company unique.

  •    Floor 4/1, S.T.C, Beside Mayor Bounglow , Opp. Railway Station, Aurangabad, India

  •   fabi@fabi.in

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+91  2402323999

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