Skypersonic, Llc

Skycopter offers an innovative approach to industrial inspections and first response emergency situations. Skycopter is a safe ready-to-fly product suitable for several applications. The drone is enclosed and protected by an external ultra-light and ultra-resistant cage to ensure safety and avoid damage to inspected structures and to the airframe itself. It’s designed to work in extreme conditions and ultra-tight spaces. The Skycopter‘s tiltable camera can record 1920 x 1080 video @60 FPS while sending latency-free images to the ground in 5.8 GHz for First Person View on a display or (optional) high definition goggles. Thanks to the FPV technology you can fly as you are onboard the drone! Skycopter mounts an ultra-bright LED system for applications in complete darkness and it uses our Skyloc technology: a real time localization and monitoring system able to control and track with an extremely high accuracy the movements of the drone in indoor scenarios or where GPS is not available. Skyloc is also a telemetry gateway for plug-in sensors that can be fitted on the Skycopter to detect smoke or other substances.

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+1  2488507439

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