Solisco Limited

Being early adopters of both Solar Photovoltaics (PV) and Electric Vehicles (EV), the Founders of Solisco were incredibly passionate about making a difference so that everyone could enjoy the true freedom that comes with renewable energy and zero emission vehicles. With a genuine end goal to contribute towards protecting the environment, Solisco was privately funded and launched by Mark Maurice, Mechanical Engineer and Parveen Begum, who in her previous role specialised in EVs for Tesla. Having a wealth of experience in the industry, both Mark and Parveen wanted to bring together their ideas about what the future should look like. They carefully researched new technology and innovative products and then formed collaborations in order to create a unity that can accelerate their mission. The partnerships they established are with like-minded individuals and early pioneers who are heading towards the same goal – giving people true energy independence and in turn, fighting climate change.

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