
Tecno Meccanica Emiliana S.r.l. was founded on 27/10/1995. The original business idea, achieved afterwards, was to create a corporate structure divided in three different activities, which are closely complementary (study / design, metalworking, machining with conventional and CNC machine tools). We did this with the aim of proposing to our customers a single provider of a range of services as complete as possible, especially in relation to the provision of lots with few pieces or even a single piece and prototypes. Tecno Meccanica Emiliana matured a significant experience in design, development and repair of components for Oil & Gas Industry.

  •    Via Milano 11, Z.I. Ponte Trebbia, Calendasco (PC), Calendasco, Italy


Year of incorporation

Number of Employees
10 to 50


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+39  0523768942

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